Taking a Blogging Break to Write a Book

May 11, 2015


Writing a Book

I have been blogging for three years now and it has been one of the most rewarding and enjoyable experiences of my life. The blogging community is amazing and I have learned from and met some incredible people. During this time a number of you have suggested that I ought to write a book, but keeping up with blogging while running a business and having a life has taken me to my maximum speed limit. However, I have finally reached one of those magical “now or never” moments when desire and opportunity find themselves alone together and the deal is consummated. I will attempt to write the book during the same time I allocated to blogging. While it’s possible that I will find a way to combine the two activities, I currently doubt that this will be feasible. As to the book, more anon 🙂


“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”  Ernest Hemingway

About Malcolm Greenhill

Malcolm Greenhill is President of Sterling Futures, a fee-based financial advisory firm, based in San Francisco. I write about wealth related issues in the broadest sense of the word. When I am not writing, reading, working and spending time with family, I try to spend as much time as possible backpacking in the wilderness.

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105 Comments on “Taking a Blogging Break to Write a Book”

  1. insanitybytes22 Says:

    Congratulations and best wishes 😉


  2. Bonnie Marshall Says:

    Good news, Malcolm, yet, you will be missed. Smiles.


  3. Jon Sharp Says:

    About time! Be sure to let me know when it’s available 🙂


  4. jhana jian Says:

    What an adventure, writing a book! Go for it. It’s not often that desire and opportunity find themselves alone together. You will be missed around here though. Please do check in from time to time, and let us know how things are going. Best of luck, Malcolm. Love and hugs.


    • Malcolm Greenhill Says:

      Jhana, we haven’t known each other long but we did have somewhat of a meeting of minds. I do hope to stay in touch periodically so it’s à bientôt and not au revoir.


      • jhana jian Says:

        We didn’t have a somewhat meeting of the minds, Malcolm. We had a somewhat meeting of the heart. Not in a romantic sense, of course, but just in a person to person sense. à bientôt


  5. L. P. Says:

    Best wishes on your endeavor Malcolm. I’ll still look out for blog posts even if there’ll be a long wait, and I look forward to finding out what your book is about! 🙂


  6. Victo Dolore Says:

    Let me just say that I hear blogging is a great way to promote your book when (note I said when and not if) it is published so don’t give it up! I have enjoyed connecting with you and will find it difficult to bear if you disappear completely.


    • Malcolm Greenhill Says:

      Given the amount of serious drama in your work life I cannot imagine the loss of a blogger making too much of a dent in your imperturbability. However, I do appreciate your heartfelt sentiments and am confident that I will not disappear completely 🙂 I also agree with your comment about blogging to promote a book, which is why I know I will return, albeit in a different guise.


  7. matt Says:

    Well, good for you. Let us know how it’s going, when you can.


  8. Cindy Bruchman Says:

    Ah, our hearts pine for similar goals! Best wishes and take a break from the blogging break occasionally so I know you are alive and well 🙂


  9. John Hubinger Says:


    The blog has been, and I am sure will manifest itself in the book, a joy and inspiration. I’ve read posts from topical to personal, libertarian to outrageous, and all the way back to specifically about your friends and family. Sometimes too close to home, but always heartfelt. Some days the truth hurts doesn’t it?

    Well done on making a timing call. Go for it I say!

    At a certain point that is the only most precious resource we have left, our own time. What we do with it, who we spend it with, or without in some cases, is our best gift to others.

    I trust a long hike, an arduous climb or a lazy night in a tent listening to the bears rustle your food will help spark more topics. If not, I might be solo this year.

    Good luck.



    • Malcolm Greenhill Says:

      John, what a pleasant surprise. Your first comment on my last post, although, as you know, you were the subject of one of them. I certainly did cover some ground in terms of subjects and how right you are to say “Some days the truth hurts doesn’t it?”

      I’m not deserting you. Count me in for some more crazy climbs or bears on the trail.


  10. aaforringer Says:

    Go for it. I will miss your articles, but I will read your book.


  11. madblog Says:

    Best wishes. I hope it the writing goes well. I think it will!


  12. Mikels Skele Says:

    Dang, a whole book in which to indulge your extraordinary skills! I would wish you luck, but I doubt you’ll need it. I’ll miss your blog, but look forward to reading your book.


  13. Brett Says:

    Excellent! I’m sure it will be a brilliant read, but I will definitely miss your posts.


  14. Adrienne Morris Says:

    That’s great! It’s so fun writing books. Good Luck!


    • Malcolm Greenhill Says:

      Adrienne, for you it’s fun but Hemingway called it “bleeding”. I’ll let you know my take soon 🙂


      • Adrienne Morris Says:

        Blood is life–you bleed that on to the page, it’s true, but (and this is literally true) I never felt so alive as when I once almost bled to death. Writing novels allows for a slightly safer version of getting close to the essence or source of that life blood. (I think Hemingway was being a bit of a drama queen–though I adore his Nick Adams stories).

        So have fun or bleed!

        All the best, Malcolm.


  15. NicoLite Великий Says:

    Go Malcolm! Tell us when you’re publishing, and keep us apprised. We’re eager for a sneak peek once in a while, too


  16. cattalespress Says:

    You go, Malcolm! As an author and book coach/instructor, I always say, there is no better time than NOW! As a matter of fact, probably the most important thing I teach my writing students is how to PRIORITIZE their time. Looks like you’ve done a good job with that, and I will be looking forward to reading your book; though I will miss reading your blogs and your blogging support.


  17. Anchors and Butterflies Says:

    I love your blogs and am sorry that I found you just in time to bid you farewell. I do look forward to reading your book, and send wishes for great success in your new journey.


  18. lang3063 Says:

    What a nice thing it is to have a fine book to look forward to!


  19. Michael R. Edelstein Says:

    Exciting news, Malcolm!

    Please don’t hesitate to lean on me for suggestions from my own experience.


  20. Holistic Wayfarer Says:

    A nice and grand announcement. =) How happy I was, MG. This is big. You’ll be bleeding. (I actually disagreed with Hemingway in one sense, in an old post, but not important at the moment.) I am glad to see you mention a publisher. I think that is the best route for you (what I would do), as opposed to self-publishing. You might find these useful. Chris’ blog is more about striking out on your own but the diagram is helpful.

    Clearly your fans will miss you. Certainly don’t let our blogs distract you from such an important enterprise. Enjoy the journey.


    • Malcolm Greenhill Says:

      Goodbye HW. Thank you for the links. They will be useful just as all your suggestions have been. You’re so talented I’m sure you will write your own bestseller as soon as you have home schooled little Einstein.


  21. UpChuckingwords Says:

    I wish you well and look forward to the hard copy of your book, Malcolm. Thank you for your companionship here in the blogging community. I’ve enjoyed your company. Be well. Audra


    • Malcolm Greenhill Says:

      Thank you Audra, I will also miss the haiku queen but will make sure to let you know about the book. This kind of public commitment makes me fee more accountable and determined not to give up.


  22. aFrankAngle Says:

    Well said … and best of luck of the book adventure. Stay the course and be well.


  23. Duncan Says:

    Good luck on this new endeavor! I’ve enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to reading your book in the future. Over the past two years, I’ve learned a lot about writing and publishing, if you have any questions, feel free to comment on SmoothingIt. Comments don’t post unless I approve them, so you’re welcome to include an email address. Best of luck to you, my friend. I’m actually stepping back into SmoothingIt this week and was looking forward to seeing you in the blogosphere again.


  24. Andrea Stephenson Says:

    Good luck Malcolm, I hope it goes well and I’ll be interested to see what kind of book you write 🙂


  25. Dalo 2013 Says:

    This is fantastic Malcolm, look forward to your creation ~ you’ve got a talent with words that does not come around too often. Cheers.


    • Malcolm Greenhill Says:

      Dalo, thank you for all your encouragement and support. Let me know if you are ever visiting this part of the world as I would love to meet up with you for coffee sometime.


      • Dalo 2013 Says:

        A cup of coffee would be great ~ I hope to get down there one of these days again, one of my favorite places in the world. Look forward to both updates on the book and of course the final product. Cheers ~


  26. D.G.Kaye Says:

    Good for you Malcolm. My blogging life is certainly cutting into my publishing time. It’s very hard to juggle so many things. I envy you that you can just cut yourself off. Perhaps I’ll have to toughen up. 🙂 Good luck.


  27. Cecilia Says:

    I wish you all the best and fun with writing the book.


  28. authorbengarrido Says:

    What are you going to write about?


  29. Hanne T. Fisker Says:

    Love it, Malcolm!! Really looking forward to see what comes out of it!
    Found myself in a similar space; “it’s now.” Not regarding a book (yet) but my photography and who knows where the little simple writing I do, takes me with time…
    Oh, and when the time comes, I’ll order a signed one, please 🙂
    All the best with it


    • Malcolm Greenhill Says:

      Hanne, thank you and I can certainly see you having exhibitions of your work (you do that already, right?) and maybe a coffee book of your photographs and poems. As to the autograph, it will definitely be a personalized inscription 🙂


      • Hanne T. Fisker Says:

        I have them up in a beautiful little Gallery Cafe who shows new artists each month. September I might have a third coming up 🙂
        Oh, coffee book is strongly on my mind, just wrote a graphic designer yesterday regarding how to go about it. I’m looking forward to holding a book of yours, Malcolm with a personalised inscription 🙂


  30. Mike Says:

    Good luck! I hope it’s an enjoyable and rewarding project. Let us know when it’s finished or maybe even a few updates along the way. 🙂


    • Malcolm Greenhill Says:

      Thanks Mike. It’s a very rewarding project as I love history and I’m writing about two wonderful characters in 16th century Europe. I will certainly try and keep everyone updated.


  31. Michele Seminara Says:

    I hope the book is going wonderfully well, Malcolm. It’s great you decided, it’s now or never, and dived in! I wish you the best of luck, and look forward to reading when it’s done. Take care.


    • Malcolm Greenhill Says:

      Thank you Michele and I hope you continue to find time to write your own poetry as editing Verity La must be quite a commitment. Still doing more reading than writing (it’s going to be a popular history book) but will certainly let you know when it’s out.


  32. GP Cox Says:

    I was wondering where you went. I wish you all the best.
    [Now quit reading this and get back to work on that book!!]


  33. Inion N. Mathair Says:

    As usual, always late to the party. In this case, we never got to say goodbye. Well, good for you our friend. As you know, we’ve been blogging ghosts for the past year…for that same reason. I told my mother, that if you spend more time on Facebook than your book, it’s time to prioritize. lol I wish you nothing but the best and cannot wait to pick up a copy of your brilliant book. And it will be brilliant as you are Malcolm. Good writing our friend. Btw~luv the Hemingway quote!! 😉 xo


    • Malcolm Greenhill Says:

      Believe me there is plenty of “bleeding” going on this end, but I want to thank you for always having been so supportive. Let’s hope that each of us finds our muse and can eventually exorcise the ghosts and return to the warmth of our blogging relationship.


  34. The Savvy Senorita Says:

    Fantastic news Malcolm, however it will be our loss. We will all miss your presence. Enjoy your new writing experience and I wish you all the success with the project; although I have a sense that you will prosper with the endeavour. Hopefully you will return soon and update us on your progress! All the best, Bex


    • Malcolm Greenhill Says:

      Bex, thank you. I don’t think I can remember blogging without you being there and I always appreciated your “savvy” comments. I know that over the last few years you have experienced much drama in your life so I hope everything is now looking up for you. It’s “Hasta luego”, definitely not “Adios”.


      • The Savvy Senorita Says:

        Many thanks Malcolm. It has been a pleasure to be part and parcel of your blogging life! I am pleased to know that your departure from WP will be temporary, and recommence once more with new words of wisdom to relate. Things are far from tranquil for me, however, compared to what was a few months prior, much improved. Thanks for your kind concern, I appreciate it. Take care and enjoy your new chapter. Bex


  35. Tahira Says:

    Malcolm, you’ve taken on your very own Ironman. Your endeavor will be just as grueling as any endurance/distance race. Your mental toughness is going to be tested. I have no doubt you will prevail but there will be days where you will not want to continue, I am here to tell you to NOT listen to the voices. It will be through consistency, most especially on the days you will not feel like writing, that you will prevail. Consistency and your will.

    All the best to you.


    • Malcolm Greenhill Says:

      Tahira, the Ironman is a great analogy and I realize you know this from experience. I will definitely try and remember this advice whenever the black dog makes an appearance. Meanwhile, make the most of the summer and enjoy your wilderness journeys Tahira. You and I both share that particular passion.


  36. L. Marie Says:

    Congratulations on your decision to write a book. I’m glad this experience is a gift you decided to give yourself. You’re right. It’s now or never.


  37. Gregoryno6 Says:

    I hope the book is going well, Malcolm. But I’d be interested to read anything you’d care to put forward about the Greek economy and the wider Eurozone. Looks to me like a slow painful death is about to begin and drag over two or three decades but I’d welcome the opinion of a professional.


  38. Daniela Says:

    Well Done and All the Best -:)!


  39. The Sicilian Housewife Says:

    I hope you’re still reading comments and I want to wish you the best of inspiration in your book writing. I agree it’s a good idea as you have so many interesting things to say.
    My own advice, though, would be not to abandon your blogging completely as your blog is always going to be an important marketing platform for the finished book. Having a blog with a well. established fan base is one of the things that helps make literary agents sit up and take more notice.


  40. The Coastal Crone Says:

    Good luck on the book! I started blogging to get back to finishing a book but I haven’t finished it yet. Perhaps I should give up blogging!


  41. becwillmylife Says:

    I missed this news because I’ve been absent from blogging too, but not to write a book! Good for you; stay the course.


  42. anotherday2paradise Says:

    Good luck with your book project. 🙂


  43. Tony Says:

    Just stumbled by and saw this post. Best of luck with your endeavor. Hope your writing is going well and your bleeding minimal.


  44. Kally Says:

    Best wishes to your endeavors!!


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