Paper Bag Treasure

November 9, 2014

Money, Personal Finance, Treasure

I have never guest-posted on another blog before, but you don’t refuse the Holistic Wayfarer, particularly when she invites you to write on a subject you are meant to know something about, in my case ‘money’. I hope you enjoy this vignette from my childhood. When you have finished reading it, make sure you take some time to look around and sample some of the impressive writing on A Holistic Journey.

A Holistic Journey

We had recently moved to a better part of London to ensure that my brother and I could attend a decent school. Dad was a London cabbie, the kind that drove one of those large black London taxis in the era before the Uber invasion. He would usually drive off early in the morning and return home well after dark. After dinner, I remember that he and my mother would frequently close the frosted glass door to the kitchen and talk earnestly in hushed, worried tones. I sometimes sat silently at the top of the stairs, straining to catch any intelligible words that seeped through the kitchen door. When I did hear them, they usually had something to do with money: bank, bob, savings, tanner, tip, quid, fiver. The down payment on the house had exhausted my parents’ savings and the mortgage was a heavy burden, so my father’s tips…

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About Malcolm Greenhill

Malcolm Greenhill is President of Sterling Futures, a fee-based financial advisory firm, based in San Francisco. I write about wealth related issues in the broadest sense of the word. When I am not writing, reading, working and spending time with family, I try to spend as much time as possible backpacking in the wilderness.

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One Comment on “Paper Bag Treasure”

  1. Holistic Wayfarer Says:

    I appreciate the generous intro, Malcolm. It would be a sore loss for your readers if they missed out on this endearing, poignant post. =) You did a wonderful job of connecting with us, and I am pleased and honored to share in your family history.



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